Progress Update: A Shattered Empire

A Shattered Empire is the third and final novel in the Sorcery Ascendant Sequence. About half way through I was wondering if the series needed a fourth book to reach a satisfactory conclusion… Luckily, I managed to bring everything together — though at 175,000+ words A shattered Empire is longer than either A Crucible of Souls or Blood of Innocents.

Right now, the novel has passed through the developmental/structural edit process and is at the copy edit stage. This means I only have around 2-3 weeks actual work to do on the novel before it is completely out of my hands. So, the good news is Harper Voyager’s release date of September 2016 is much closer to being etched in stone!

If you like the world of the Sorcery Ascendant Sequence — and the characters — then don’t worry. I’m currently half way through writing a stand alone fantasy novel set in a different world, but after that I intend to get stuck into a new Sorcery Ascendant series! It may be directly after the current trilogy, or set a few thousand years in the past. Whatever the case, I’ll be able to come at it using the knowledge and experience I’ve gained over the last few years and hopefully bring readers more exciting characters and events. And perhaps reveal extra details about some things not fully wrapped up in the Sorcery Ascendant Sequence…!

A big thank you to everyone for reading and for all the amazing support over the years. Readers like you make everything possible, and for that we authors are truly grateful.

All my best,


  1. Thomzen says:

    Probably a stupid question to ask, but do u have any intel on when the third book (shattered empire) will be released in German language? Or if it will be translated at all? If not it would be nice to know. Thanks and keep up the good work!

    • MitchellH says:

      Unfortunately I have no update on this yet. Heyne have not requested the third book, but I remain hopeful that strong sales will make it a necessity.

      • Sabina says:

        Hi, do you have any news about a release for the third book in german?

        • MitchellH says:

          Nothing yet, I’m sorry. I’ll chase up Heyne and see if they’re going ahead.

          • Ben says:

            Hey! Any News on a german translation?

          • MitchellH says:

            Hi! Unfortunately the publisher Heyne has declined to buy the rights to A SHATTERED EMPIRE. So unless sales of the first two books pick up Heyne is unwilling to make an offer.

            I wish the news could have been better, but hopefully things will change in the future.

  2. Taylor says:

    I feel like you left the series open in case you wanted to continue calf and story. I hope there is more as I think there were a few avenues to take. Such as the talon seeking caldan out.

  3. Dennis says:

    Hey! Some time past by since the last question about a german translation.. Soo do you may have positive news for us? :)

    • MitchellH says:

      Nothing yet on a book 3 translation, but I’m still hopeful as the first two have earned out the advance.

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